Hubby and I married in the fall of 1992. In winter of 1993 our first child was born, beautiful baby girl (we will call her Blue Eyes), within hours of her birth she was diagnosed with Trisomy 21 (aka Down syndrome). She has endured much in her 18 years, mostly in the first 6. She has made me the amazing woman I am today, but I take full credit for all the not so like able things about me. In winter of 2000 our first son was born, we will call him Mister Man, he was so unlike Blue Eyes. He loved to be around people and entertain them. He matured so quickly. He is awesome. Spring 2004 we had our second son, DW. He is a fantastic brother to everyone. He is sensitive of others feelings and quick as a whip. Spring 2006 can our third son, Headache. Love this kiddo to the depths of his bones, but he is ALL boy and has tested me in ways I had not been before. Fall 2007 we were blessed with our fifth child and second daughter, Monkey. She is abso-lute-ly beautiful. She loves the mud and keeps up with her brothers. Just before Christmas 2008 we had our last child and third daugther, Love Bug. She is amazing, she reminds me of all her siblings rolled into one. She loves to be by herself but will demand your attention if she sees fit. Our family is perfect, not in the "we are perfect" sense, but we are perfect for each other.
I homeschool, am a full time college student, and try hard to remember to kick myself in the butt to exercise daily. I am a christian, luckily forgiven and desperately seeking to do the right thing daily. I sin and I know it, but my God is a forgiving God and will forgive those that seek true forgiveness. I am working on my daily walk and welcome support.